Artist's Statement

The Natural World is the primary source of my artistic inspiration. I view Nature as a living embodiment of Beauty, Truth, and Wisdom. All around us are indescribable connections — both seen and unseen — that reveal the very essence of the mystery that gives us Life.

I consider Creativity to be archetypal force — an unbounded process of endless manifestation that is both the holistic source that gives birth to the physical dimensions of the universe as well as the core of our personal, subjective experience of BEING human.

Everyone has the capacity to experience Creativity. Whether a person expresses this impulse directly through ‘making art,’ passively through ‘witnessing art,’ or through any other intense engagement of their talents and skills, this creative intelligence is present.

My artistic practice explores the intersection of naturally generated forms and living systems with their human counterparts: the materials, tools, and machines of civilization. I choose to use a whimsical style to represent and highlight many of the intriguing juxtapositions within this dichotomy.

My artistic process utilizes both traditional drawing techniques and contemporary 2D/3D digital technology. The digital part of my work is created using a combination of manually generated models — in the form of living things, machines, and environments — that merge with procedural algorithms that are used to simulate natural complexity in surface textures, individual species, and full eco-systems.

The subsequent union that appears in my art has elements of Hyperrealism — emphasizing texture, color, and natural light — to stimulate and awaken our innate sensory awareness of the living presence that can be seen in all facets of the Natural World.